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CSA’s Chorister Fund – Please Donate!
Choristers have been singing to the glory of God for centuries. However, the cost to pay for choristerships continues to rise. Thanks to government support and other generous donors, the CSA Bursary Trust Fund (started in 1985) is able to help a limited number of boy and girl choristers each year. We would like to help lots more.
Thank you to those who have remembered us in their wills or who have made a donation to our Bursary Fund.
CSA administers an annual government grant which enables us to financially assist choristers. It’s a very welcome and important contribution towards safeguarding our choral heritage which is the envy of the world. But we need so much more to fulfil our aim to ensure no child is denied a chorister place on financial grounds.
A choir school education is very special. The work choristers do on a daily basis is highly valued, but it comes at a very high price.
Whatever your interest in the choral world – as a former chorister or parent, a regular churchgoer or someone with a passion for choral music, CSA’s Bursary Trust Fund is a very tangible way in which you can help ensure its survival.